Skolrood Law Firm Blog
Serving Central and South Virginia
Surprise Visits to Your Loved One’s Nursing Home Can Help You Spot Abuse or Neglect
It’s not always easy for the families of nursing home residents to determine if they’re being abused or neglected. In many cases, staff members become very good at hiding the signs of abuse or neglect. When questioned about bruises, dehydration, or other signs of mistreatment, they may have convenient excuses or explanations ready. This leaves……
We Help TBI Victims Get Compensation for Their Physical Therapy and Rehab
When people suffer traumatic brain injuries (TBIs), there’s a chance their entire lives will change instantly. Cognitive and personality changes are common, as are changes in fine motor skills. Some TBI victims must re-learn how to do basic tasks such as standing, walking, dressing themselves, and eating. That’s because the connections in their brain that……
We Aren’t Afraid to Take on Complex Medical Malpractice Claims
Out of all the types of personal injury claims, medical malpractice claims are among the most complex. It’s easy for doctors, surgeons, hospitals, and clinics to simply deny fault and stonewall any attempts injured patients make to get compensation. To make matters worse, malpractice insurers are also notoriously reluctant to pay victims the money they’re……