Are Traumatic Brain Injury Claims Worth More Than Other Injury Claims?
When injured victims file compensation claims or lawsuits, they typically want to get as much money as possible for their medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. But the amount of money they can get is limited by the severity of their injuries, including how expensive they are to treat, how much they impact their lives, and how long they are expected to last.
Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) are at the upper end of the scale on all of those factors. Because the brain has only partial healing capabilities, people who suffer TBIs typically suffer from the effects of them for the rest of their lives. And unfortunately, those effects can be profound and even disabling. For example, some TBI victims are incapable of living independently, let alone working and earning a living.
At Skolrood Law Firm, we do in-depth analyses of our clients’ injuries to determine exactly how much they’re owed for what they’ve gone through and what they will go through in the future. Then, we create demand letters that we send to insurance companies that spell out every penny our clients deserve in compensation.
TBI victims often need substantial settlements to even come close to compensation them for their losses. That’s because TBIs profoundly change victims’ lives and even the lives of their loved ones. If you or someone you love is a TBI victim and was injured by someone else’s negligence, we want to help.
Contact our Roanoke brain injury lawyers today for a free consultation. We’ll give your claim the respect it deserves, and we won’t rest until the insurance company knows your story and how much money you need to move forward.