Auto Accident

Assigned Fault After a Crash You Didn’t Cause? We Want to Help.

Getting blamed for something that wasn’t your fault is a common and frustrating experience. But when you’re being blamed for a car accident that wasn’t your fault, it’s not just frustrating, it also has the potential to cost you tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Virginia is one of only four states in the U.S. that uses a contributory negligence system for awarding damages to victims either through settlements or lawsuits. This system means that people who are even 1% at fault for their accidents and injuries are barred from receiving any compensation. In most other states, the compensation for partially at-fault victims is simply reduced by their percentage of fault.

Unfortunately, it’s not always easy to tell who caused a crash. And in he-said, she-said scenarios, police officers may assign partial blame to a second party after a crash based on scant evidence or even the statements of the other driver. And while a tiny percentage of fault may not mean much to police, it can mean everything to innocent victims.

At Skolrood Law Firm, we work hard not just to prove negligent drivers injured our clients, but also to prove that our clients weren’t at fault for their crashes—not even 1%!

If you or someone you love were recently involved in a crash and were assigned fault, we’re here to help. It’s our goal to not only make you eligible for compensation, but to ensure you get maximum compensation. Contact our Roanoke car accident lawyers today for a free consultation.

Auto Accident

You Deserve Current and Future Compensation After a Crash

It’s easy to get swept away by the expenses that come your way immediately after a car accident. You’ve got medical bills that need to be paid right now, and you may have missed several days, weeks, or even months of work. You need money as soon as possible to get your head above water.

Insurance companies know that victims are often in financial trouble after accidents and injuries. To avoid paying big settlements after drawn-out negotiations, they often try to pay victims small but quick settlements, often just days or weeks after their accidents happen. In many cases, victims are happy to get the money, but they don’t realize that by accepting it, they forfeit the right to get more money later.

Unfortunately, car accidents often cause expenses to pile up long after they happen. Victims often find out their injuries are more serious than thought and that they need more medical treatments. They also may be out of work for a significantly longer time than their doctors initially predicted.

But because they already accepted the insurance companies’ offers, they can’t ask for more money. Part of the terms of accepting a settlement is agreeing that the case is finalized. At Skolrood Law Firm, we see this situation play out over and over, and when victims contact us after accepting settlements, it’s often too late.

Don’t make their mistake. Contact our Roanoke car accident lawyers right away after a crash that wasn’t your fault, and before accepting any settlement. We’ll work hard to determine exactly how much money you’re owed for all your expenses, including those you’ll face months or years in the future.

Auto Accident

Don’t Count on Your Insurer to Cover You After a Crash

After auto accidents that weren’t their fault, many people know that the other drivers’ insurance companies will be reluctant to pay them fair compensation. But when they need to file claims against their own insurance companies, they expect to be treated better and to easily get the money they’re owed. After all, they’ve paid their premiums on time for years and have been loyal customers.

Unfortunately, insurance companies are always looking for ways to protect their profits by reducing or denying claims. Whether it’s a third-party seeking compensation or a policyholder, their goal is to find a way to pay as little money as possible. This can be a rude awakening for many people who need to tap into their uninsured/underinsured driver coverage and other policies after crashes.

Because insurance companies don’t want to compensate anyone, including their own customers, it’s important for injured victims to get experienced legal representation on their side right away after crashes. Innocent accident victims needing to get a lawyer involved to get money from their own insurers after crashes is more common than you think, and we help policyholders get the money they’re owed all the time.

If you were hurt in a crash and your insurer is playing hardball with you, don’t accept a reduced settlement or take no for an answer. Contact the Roanoke car accident lawyers at Skolrood Law Firm today for a free consultation.