Medical Malpractice

Bad Outcome After Medical Treatment? Our Lawyers Can Investigate What Happened.

There are no guarantees in medicine. What may be an extremely safe and minor procedure or treatment for 99% of people can be potentially fatal in a small minority of patients. Because of differences in human anatomy and biochemistry—not to mention the fact that medical providers are human and prone to errors—some patients experience bad outcomes after treatments that were supposed to make them feel better.

Although medical malpractice claims usually come about because patients have bad outcomes, not all bad outcomes are considered medical malpractice. However, it’s still important for patients and their families to explore their options after bad outcomes. When all the facts are laid out and evidence is collected, sometimes medical malpractice becomes obvious—even when it initially seemed unlikely.

At Skolrood Law Firm, we know that many people who are on the fence about getting a lawyer are reluctant to do so because they’re worried about how much it will cost. They’ve heard about law firms billing hundreds or even thousands of dollars for a single appointment that resulted in very little benefit for them. We understand this concern, and that’s why we offer free consultations for all potential clients.

When you contact our firm, you won’t have to worry about getting an expensive invoice or paying an exorbitant hourly rate. Instead, you’ll be able to take your time and tell us exactly what happened. Then, our legal team will begin putting the pieces together and determining your best options moving forward, including whether we can pursue a medical malpractice claim on your behalf.

Contact our Roanoke medical malpractice lawyers today for a free consultation.

Medical Malpractice

What Causes Medical Malpractice to Occur?

Doctors spend well over a decade in school, and surgeons often spend even longer gaining knowledge and honing their skills. Because of how highly trained and educated they are, it’s hard to imagine that they make many mistakes—let alone mistakes caused by preventable errors and even negligence.

But unfortunately, serious mistakes occur all the time in the medical field, and some of those mistakes have serious consequences for patients. In fact, medical mistakes kill more than 7,000 previously healthy people every year, and more than 250,000 overall die as a result of these errors. But what causes medical mistakes and malpractice?

There are many reasons medical malpractice happens, but some of the most common causes include:

  • Impairment—Sometimes, doctors treat patients while they’re under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Being impaired can significantly impact their judgment and cause them to make deadly mistakes.
  • Rushing—Many doctors face staff shortages, a lack of time, and too many patients to see in a single day. That can cause them to rush through examinations and procedures, resulting in oversights and mistakes.
  • Not following procedures—Doctors and surgeons are supposed to do their jobs by the book, especially when operating. But providers who skip steps may puts patients at risk of wrong-site operations or even left-behind surgical tools.

At Skolrood Law Firm, our Roanoke medical malpractice lawyers don’t let negligent healthcare providers get away with harming patients because of their carelessness. We hold them and hospitals accountable for the injuries and illnesses their patients suffer.

If you or someone you love was harmed by a negligent medical professional, we want to help. Contact us today for a free consultation.

Medical Malpractice

We Level the Playing Field for Medical Malpractice Victims

Of all the personal injury claims out there, medical malpractice seems like one of the most “sure-fire” for victims. After all, how can you not have a claim to compensation when a negligent doctor or surgeon causes you to suffer a serious illness or injury?

But unfortunately, healthcare providers, clinics, and hospitals are all well-protected against medical malpractice. Not only do they have protocols in place to deny it happened, but they also legal teams to insulate them from claims. Finally, their medical malpractice insurance providers are also combative and uncooperative.

All of this adds up to making medical malpractice claims difficult to win—unless you have an experienced law firm on your side, that is. When healthcare providers, clinics, hospitals, and insurers find out that patients and their families are represented by aggressive legal teams, they often quickly change their tunes.

That’s because experienced law firms know how to pinpoint when and where medical malpractice occurred by examining evidence, listening to expert opinions, and interviewing witnesses and other healthcare professionals. Without an experienced Roanoke medical malpractice lawyer, it’s easy for victims to find themselves not being taken seriously by the parties that owe them significant compensation.

If you or someone you love was harmed by someone or somewhere that was supposed to make you feel better, you may be eligible for compensation. Contact Skolrood Law Firm today for a free consultation. We aren’t afraid to take on medical malpractice cases, whether they’re against a single doctor or a large hospital.